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The following is the script of our presentation, "Three days is a Lifetime."

Stefanie begins -

Once again, thank you for inviting us to share our story of Matthias Ambrose, Born April 11, 2006. But to tell this story, we must take you back to before he was born and remember our family as we expected Matthias. Of course, we didn’t know he was Matthias. In fact, we didn’t know he was a boy. He was simply our next child - names were discussed. I thought he was a girl, I was wrong, I am always wrong. In fact, I have never been right in guessing the babies. Expecting a baby in our family was normal. This baby would be the 8th. Beginning at the top our children at that time were: Ashlen, Hallie, Taylor, James, Kateri, Michaela and Cecilia.

We lead a busy life, like anyone else with children. Our oldest was a sophomore in high school. We were adjusting to the changes that are natural with having a high school student. She had worked hard that summer, she was fundraising for a trip to Rome planned for Easter. The trip was a blessing. She had matured a lot that and had spent time with great people. She was excited to go. We were excited too!

We had one daughter in middle school, three children in elementary school, and two little ones at home. I was serving my 6th year on the school board, teaching 1st grade CCD and being a mom.

James had a busy practice, was President of his State Association.

We were busy and the baby grew like the others.

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