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Our Lady -

We are proud to call Mary,

the mother of Jesus,

Our Lady.

For mothers, seeking to raise children in the

modern world, we gladly turn to the example of

Our Lady for guidance and consolation

in this our "vale of tears".

This site is consecrated through the

Immaculate Heart of Mary to

the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Celebrating Matthias!

It is hard to believe that 14 years ago,

Matthias changed our lives.

Friends and family may have worried that it would ruin us.

After all, losing a child . . .

Matthias' story is not about surviving the loss of our son,

it is about being truly grateful for our son.

We invite you into those days, not knowing what was about to happen, how it would change us.

We invite you to celebrate our gift of God,

Matthias Ambrose.

Matthias, please pray for us

Three Days is a Lifetime!

The story of

Matthias Ambrose

The Miracle of the Sun

Our Lady's Message is for us


Change is tough.

It can challenge our faith and cause us anxiety.

If you struggle with change -

big and little,

join me in this novena-

Novena of Surrender

to the Will of God

authored by Servant of God,

Surrender to the Will of God, Father Don Dolindo Ruotolo.

First Friday Alert

2023 First Friday Dates

April 7th

May 5th

June 2nd

July 7th

August 4th

September 1st

October 6

November 3

December 1

Jesus' Promise to Saint Margaret Mary

"I promise you in the excessive mercy of My Heart that Its all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on nine first Fridays of consecutive months the grace of final repentance; they will not die under My displeasure or without receiving their sacraments, My divine Heart making Itself their assured refuge at the last moment."

More Information

on the

Nine First





Do you have a burning petition?

Don't miss out.

Knock and Jesus will open

the door.

The Devotion of the 

Five First Saturdays

The Five First Saturdays

Seek to console the

Immaculate Heart

of our

Sorrowful Mother

in this devotion.

"How can there be too many children?

That is like saying there are too many flowers." Mother Theresa

"If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.”

Therese of Lisieux

The website of is operated by Nowood Creek LLC

Content should be strictly regarded as opinion only, with no warranty given nor implied against error or omission. 

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