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Novena for a Holy Marriage

There is no greater gift for couples entering into the Sacrament of Marriage than prayer.

This Marriage Novena may be prayed at

any time but certainly the

40 days in anticipation is an

excellent way to celebrate.

May God bless and keep all married couples,

May He bless all who prepare to enter

this Sacred Union,

Protect them Lord by sending your angels

to watch over them, their children, and their families.

Saint Valentine, please pray for us.

Marriage Novena for ______________ and _____________

Dear Heavenly Father,

Through the intercession of the Holy Family, we pray for ______________ and _____________ as they approach their wedding day. Please grant them a permanent faith in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony; an outward sign instituted by Christ to give them grace. Help them to always remember that by living marriage in obedience to You that You will always give them the help they need to live life in a way pleasing to You.

We ask that you bless them with permanent faithfulness of heart and soul as they join their lives in love. That they not trust in themselves, but remember to always depend upon You. May they may be filled forever with patient hope and charity, in good times and in bad.

Please bless them further with generous spirits, that in order to grow in love. May they anticipate serving the needs of one another before themself. May they treasure their gift of marriage and may their marriage reflect the love of Christ for His Church; where the self-giving love of husband and wife unites them more perfectly and cooperates in Your plan for new life created in Your image.

Grant that ______________ and _____________ will cherish the children You might bless them with. May they have hearts ready to love the ones You send. Let them realize that family love is always sacrificial in nature, and the only way to true happiness.

Give them an understanding of higher things so that they may grow in wisdom and always in encourage one another toward Heaven.

Grant that they constantly choose to express cheerful and forgiving natures, so that their home may be a joyful refuge forever blessed with Your Presence, protected by Your Holy Angels.

Make ______________ and _____________ the husband and wife You wish them to be so they will be truly happy as husband and wife. Fulfill Your Holy Will for their lives, and become future citizens of Heaven through the path of Holy Marriage.

Finally, we ask for these same gifts be granted to each married person joining this novena.

In the Names of Jesus and Mary, we pray.


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