April 10 - 11th, 2016
In celebration of
Matthias' 10th Birthday
A beautiful woman I know only by first name approached me last week. We see each other at daily Mass and her faith inspires me. She asked me if it was okay if we could talk. She was so kind to be concerned about bringing up a sensitive topic in a public place. She began by saying, “ Your son’s birthday is next week right?” “Yes.” I smiled, “Monday. Matthias’ birthday is Monday.”
I know I have said this before but I want to repeat it. I love to hear Matthias’ name. People are afraid they will make me sad by bringing him up but it doesn’t. It makes me happy. I love to hear someone’s story about Matthias, how Matthias affected them, their relationship with him, and I love to hear his name.
“Yes,” the lady said responding to my smile. “Matthias’ birthday is Monday.” I know because my daughter’s birthday is the same day. She shared what was in her heart and we stood in the middle of a busy store talking about faith, love and “being a moma.” After hearing her express concern for her daughter I said simply, “I guess you know what you want for his birthday.” “What?” she asked, confused. I explained, “Ask for your daughter’s conversion for Matthias’ birthday.” “What?” she repeated. “It’s not my birthday?” I know, I explained that I have no doubt that in hearing her story that Matthias would want a conversion for her daughter. “So ask for it.” I said. “Ask God for this gift on Matthias’ birthday.”
In the three days that Matthias was born, lived, and passed into the hands of God Matthias was busy. One of the biggest miracles of his life was a mending of relationships and conversation of heart. He was a reconciler here on Earth, no doubt he is the same in heaven where he sees God face to face.
On April 11th, 2013, I experienced a mother with a broken heart. She was a new moma, expecting her first baby. So excited, she was to have her first ultrasound that morning but quickly the procedure changed from enjoyable to diagnostic. There was a serious problem that could be seen right in front of her eyes. The tiny baby moving within her had a cerebral breach and a sac of fluid was visible growing outside the baby’s body.
In the days that followed, she was advised that the baby needed to be aborted and the procedure needed to be made “right now.” The child would never survive, the doctors told the new parents. If they waited, the new parents were told the abortion would be a “late term abortion” and that would endanger her fertility. If she wanted to have a healthy baby, she needed to get rid of this one.
It was with a heavy heart that she sought me out that Thursday morning not knowing it was Matthias’ birthday. She sat with a few other moms and worked through the issues and determined the fetal specialist that could offer a second opinion about the baby’s condition without any pressure to abort. She left and our Mary’s Moms group prayed the rosary and I asked God for a present for Matthias’ birthday. The parents stood strong and defended the life of their unborn son. When a doctor told them that she would require a planned C-section because the baby would never survive a natural birth, would die and then she would have to wait 18 months to try for another baby this dear lady replied, “How can I abort this baby and ask God to give me another healthy one.”
That little boy was born into this world accompanied with a storm of prayer. Prayer warriors offered sacrifice and prayed for whatever miracles were in God’s will. He was born and and required surgeries and follow-up appointments and does experience some physical delays. He wears glasses that magnify his deep brown eyes and his dark hair now covers his surgical shunt. His laugh lights up the room and when he runs I praise God.
Miracles are possible, miracles of healing, reconciliation, and conversion. Life is worth celebrating and God wants to celebrate with us. If you have a special prayer or need, please offer all of them up on Monday. If it is God’s will, I think Matthias would be happy to unwrap your present and celebrate with you.
P.S. As we light ten candles, please pour out your heart to God with us as we thank Him for the blessing of Matthias.
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